«Моi Коrni» Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus moikorni@mail.ru
220093 Belarus Minsk Region Minsk
+375 (29) 595 77 73 +375 (29) 675 77 73
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Моi Коrni

Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus

Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 20:00

tel1+375 29 6757773

tel2+375 29 5957773

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To put paving slabs on a cemetery 1025 578 image/png
«Моi Коrni» Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus moikorni@mail.ru
220093 Belarus Minsk Region Minsk
+375 (29) 595 77 73 +375 (29) 675 77 73
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 Improvement of places of burials – the used materials

   Methods now in use improvements of places of burials include facing of the space surrounding a grave three types of a tile:

1. the marble;
2. the granite;
3. the sidewalk.

   Laying of a marble and granite tile, identical to the material applied to production of a monument, as a rule, during the first season is followed by their pollution. And it isn't possible to wash a surface of such tile to an initial state any more. It turns out that the considerable material investments used to arrange well a burial place, aren't always justified. Thus, even if the decision to establish a monument from granite or marble is made, for a paving of the territory surrounding it it is necessary to use paving slabs.


Main advantages of paving slabs

   Manufacturers mark paving slabs FEM abbreviation that is deciphered as a figured element of a paving. In the name the main advantage of this tile in comparison with other types – possibility of creation of drawing or an ornament round a monument is put. Along with it, its cost 10 times less the price of a tile from granite or marble. The small sizes of paving slabs promote its excellent resilience to mechanical loadings both static, and to percussions. Such tile isn't threatened by influence of an atmospheric precipitation and differences of temperatures. Correctly picked up paving slabs create harmony with the landscape surrounding a grave, and the place of burial takes a well-groomed, esthetic form. In brief advantages of paving slabs can be characterized the following indicators:

• practicality and reliability;
• small, in comparison with other types of tiles, cost;
• high degree of durability;
• excellent decorative characteristics;
• fine appearance;
• possibility of selection of a tile of a different form and color;
• creation of the concrete basis which will need to be broken in need of the device on a grave of one more burial isn't required.

Possibilities of use of paving slabs

   Restoration of places of burials is most often carried out with application of paving slabs. In this case the cost of works is rather small, and time of their carrying out is limited in one afternoon. Pritka can be stacked only within ritual plates or across all territory of burial. In the territory of recent burial laying of a tile can be executed at any demanded moment provided that the soil which is filled up in a grave gave enough and was condensed. And the paving should be begun as soon as possible as laying of a tile will immediately stop overgrowing of a grave weeds and a bush.

Моi Коrni

Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus

Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 20:00

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