«Моi Коrni» Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus moikorni@mail.ru
220093 Belarus Minsk Region Minsk
+375 (29) 595 77 73 +375 (29) 675 77 73
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Моi Коrni

Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus

Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 20:00

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Description of the list of works on the installation of the monument, the company "My Roots" 1025 578 image/png
«Моi Коrni» Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus moikorni@mail.ru
220093 Belarus Minsk Region Minsk
+375 (29) 595 77 73 +375 (29) 675 77 73
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installation diagram monument

 Installation of the monument, the procedure works

In recent years a large number of firms and individual entrepreneurs, offering services in manufacturing and installation of gravestones monuments. It is clear that their manufacture can only deal with experienced professionals, while the installation of monuments often entrusted to workers who, not having proper experience, use the knowledge gleaned from the Internet. However, none of the texts are not able to give people experience, in connection with which they have set gravestones monuments to subside after a few years, and even bend fall. Most often, the error lies in the fact that the base of the monument is installed on a metal pipe or channel having the property over the years rust and disintegrate. I recall the postwar years, when monuments were installed on the rails. These sites are up to date. 

But today, this method of erecting monuments virtually inaccessible. But it is possible to use concrete footings of various sections, which, as well as the rails will support the weight of monuments many, many years. However, for this you must fulfill several conditions, mandatory installation gravestones monuments. And should first choose the method of the monument, given the type and condition of the soil in the place of burial. There are only two ways to properly install tomb monument, shown schematically in Figure 1 and Figure number 2:




    installation diagram monument number 1                  installation diagram monument number 2

When soils underlying the grave, very strong, you can use the method shown in Figure 1. If, as is usually the case, at the base of the so-called tomb located quicksand, you should use the method shown in Figure 2. However, in both cases it is necessary to comply with installation technology, which includes six consecutive mandatory milestones.

The first stage - preparing the soil

Ground at the base of a monument should dig half a bayonet spade, removing the root system of shrubs and trees and cleaning the area of weeds. Then the soil should be sealed using for this purpose a special device for ramming. This milestone can be considered the most important, since in the absence of proper degree of soil compaction monument can lurch over time and even fall. Also, be aware that the rotting wooden coffin lid for 8-12 years, after which the ground sharply sags if was poorly compacted, and a monument to necessarily undergo strain.

The second step - installing concrete beams

At the base of the monument to fit special f / c beam. Typically in the manufacture of beams as reinforcement using two steel rod with a diameter of 8 or 10 mm class of AII. Recommended dimensions of beams: length - 275, width - 10, height - 12 cm in the ground to dig two parallel trench depth of 12 and a length of 275 cm at the bottom of the trenches sleeps off a layer of sand, which is leveled and compacted. Then laid in a trench grout, which are stacked parallel to each other w / w of the beam. The distance between the beams should be 5-7 cm wider than the base of the monument. Surface beams aligned using the spirit level.

The third step - installing cabinets

At a distance of 35-40 cm from the head of the bed (under the base cabinets) sleeps off the sand, which immediately tamped. Then stacked layer is sufficiently thick cement mortar mixed with adhesive material used in wall covering or ceramic tiled flooring. The solution was leveled at him and set dresser. To align bollards used a rubber mallet and building level.

Fourth stage - setting sail (stele)

Plane on a pedestal, which is set sail smeared sealant. Also sealant is poured into holes for the pins and lubricated pins themselves. For these purposes should apply a special antibacterial sealant for gluing stones during works on the street. This sealant should be allowed for use at temperatures from +50 to -25 ° C, and its color should match the color of the stone monument. After installing the pins into the holes intended for sail pantsuits and routed to the pins. Usually this work using safety belts and do not apply hoists. After setting sail on the curb for 20 - 30 minutes is necessary to hold it horizontally until reliable bonding pedestal. Sealant residues removed immediately, not allowing them to harden.

Fifth step - installing flower bed

Tags applied to beams corresponding to the length flower bed, whereupon the cement slurry contains, mixed with the adhesive. Flower bed end (the part that will be adjacent to the pedestal) smeared sealant is installed on the solution and press it against the cabinet while the horizontal alignment using a spirit level and rubber mallet. Likewise, set the rest of the flower bed, just under the heel is filled and compacted sand. In a niche formed after installation flower garden also is filled with sand, which should always be compacted.

Sixth stage - improvement

After completion of the installation of a monument should be removed from the site rubbish and throw it in the set up for these purposes in the cemetery special trash. The entire plot of land on the perimeter of the monument set should sprinkle sand, then sand and smooth the ground using a rake. Wet cleaning of the monument should be done only three days after its installation.

Моi Коrni

Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus

Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 20:00

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