«Моi Коrni» Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus moikorni@mail.ru
220093 Belarus Minsk Region Minsk
+375 (29) 595 77 73 +375 (29) 675 77 73
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Моi Коrni

Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus

Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 20:00

tel1+375 29 6757773

tel2+375 29 5957773

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Funeral services in Minsk, the price of the company's "My Roots" 1025 578 image/png
«Моi Коrni» Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus moikorni@mail.ru
220093 Belarus Minsk Region Minsk
+375 (29) 595 77 73 +375 (29) 675 77 73
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Funeral services in Minsk

Funeral services in Minsk

It might be injurious but in our life irretrievable things can happen – the death of a loved one. Often the grief can be so large that one can do nothing and has no powers at all. However required is to execute documents urgently and organize funerals, held not later than on the third day after death. Not everyone can take active steps in this situation. But now you can always get the assistance of employees from the company rendering funeral services. Indeed, there are no many of them in our cities as in Europe, but to find the required company through the information desk or in Internet is not very difficult.

Each company employs those whom we call the agents of ritual services. It is sufficient to call one of them at home for solving all problems related to the death ritual. At that the list of services often includes the first medical or psychological aid, provided by the qualified specialist working in the company which renders funeral services. The company staff that provides funeral has accumulated a certain experience for quite a long time. It makes possible to provide round-the-clock consultations on all matters of ritual company activity, which helps to choose from several companies the only one rendering services at the price and under requirements of the person who need them.

It is not a secret that often the qualified assistance in provision of funeral services is even cheaper than the desire of relatives to perform all required actions independently. The fact is that the company specialized in rendering funeral services, during its work establishes necessary contacts also in medical institutions issuing relevant documents and in cemeteries. Therefore, entrusting organization of funerals to the funeral agents from such a company, you can be sure that nobody and nothing will be forgotten – neither the amount of wreaths with corresponding inscriptions on their bands, nor the total number of seats in the transport taking relatives to the cemetery, nor the number of seats at tables, where the memorial meal will be organized.

Моi Коrni

Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus

Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 20:00

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