Commemorative plaque on the monument in Minsk QR code
Something incredible happens in the last time you read a newspaper - a view rests on a strange box. He joined the bank - and it is exactly the same box. Came to the cemetery - do not believe - is attached to the monument of the same box. I had to ask for clarifications on the Internet. It turns out that all the boxes - graphic bar code or as it is known abroad , QRmemorial (QR code). At its core , the bar code - it is well known , but graphically modified bar code . The difference between them is that in the new code , you can encrypt the text up to 4300 alphanumeric characters , and decode information stored in the bar code, you can not special scanner and a standard mobile phone.
It seems that even though it may seem strange that the new code will be most in demand is on gravestones monuments. Indeed, so eager to tell people about what was deceased , and the monument to the present could only accommodate one, two lines about our feelings . Just imagine how everyone passing by the monument to a loved one stops and reads a story about his (her) life. About how much good and kind was done on the ranks and awards. It turns out that this code is a kind of plaque ( carrying a significant amount of information) , which was built in honor of the near and dear to you man.
Order the production of such a plate by using a special form on the site or on one of the phone numbers listed on the page " Contact Order or services." You report biographical details of the person , the text of the epitaph , and even , if you wish , send photograph of the deceased , and include contact information , which we use to send (COD) finished plate coated with a corresponding code . It remains only to fix a sign on the monument , which on its reverse side of us fixed high-strength adhesive tape . Before bonding the plates should be clean and free of grease spot on the monument , which will be fixed plate after it is removed from the protective film .
The practice of performing such work has shown that the plate with the code is quite resistant to the vagaries of weather and does not break down over time . By the way, attach a label on the tombstone is not necessary. The decision to consolidate its position belongs to the customer .