«Моi Коrni» Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus moikorni@mail.ru
220093 Belarus Minsk Region Minsk
+375 (29) 595 77 73 +375 (29) 675 77 73
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Моi Коrni

Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus

Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 20:00

tel1+375 29 6757773

tel2+375 29 5957773

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New opportunities for improvement burial sites from "My Roots" 1025 578 image/png
«Моi Коrni» Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus moikorni@mail.ru
220093 Belarus Minsk Region Minsk
+375 (29) 595 77 73 +375 (29) 675 77 73
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Equipping with modern amenities of burial-place is new possibilities Improvement burial sites, new possibilities

Last two decades such bustle was given out in life of our compatriots, that many of us literally " littered" about the world. And on a former place there are the aged relatives not wishing changes. Some of them for the past years did not survive falling to their lot tests died. Turned out so, that almost  each of abandoning the former place of residence left there and graves of ancestors to that sometimes there is nobody to see. When a monument is not set, a fence is absent, then burial places quickly overgrow a grass depersonalized. In such cases, when after long absence someone from relatives visits the grave of near man, then not always her can find. 

  Accomplishment burial sites - it is our sacred duty. It seems that this is not only absolutely agree unscrupulous people who are probably not so much. All other relatives living far from the graves of ancestors, concerned the impossibility of permanent care of graves. And if each of us finds the necessary financial resources to last farewell to their loved one, that not everyone can go back to the burial place two or three times a year to set up a monument, ogradku put on the grave to lay tile or board around burial. Even deliver flowers to the grave - a big problem for relatives living far away.


  Back in 1866 the famous economist Adam Smith formulated the rule "Demand creates supply." It seems that it is this rule and the impact on the emergence of companies whose job is to provide services for the improvement of the graves and burials. There are one-day companies started only to collect some money for the alleged improvement of the burial site and then how to "evaporate." And there are companies that take their job very responsibly and try to satisfy all the needs of those who have decided to provide rest for their dead relatives and found the necessary funds.


  Our company has gone a little further than their competitors and started taking orders for the care of the graves online, without requiring the customer's arrival for a contract to grave management. Operating companies are not only able to make a monument of marble or granite, but also to erect a monument on the grave. We are ready to light a candle and lay flowers at certain customer days, perform garbage collection and removal of weeds, install the fence and paint it periodically. The quality of work is confirmed photograph regularly sent to the customer.

Моi Коrni

Care service for tombs and graves in Belarus

Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 20:00

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